An Introduction to Selenium – A set of Tools

Architecture of Selenium Webdriver

How To Launch Firefox Browser in Selenium WebDriver – Java

Launch of Edge and Internet Explorer browser in Selenium 3

Hierarchy of Classes & Interfaces of WebDriver Interface in Selenium WebDriver

All about WebDriver: Methods And Its Usages

Why syntax is driver.manage().window().maximize()?

Part 1: Ways of Locating Web Elements in Selenium using ID

Part 2: Ways of locating Web element using: Name, Class Name, Tag Name, Link Text

Part 1: All about XPath in Selenium Webdriver: Basic concepts

Part 2: All about XPath: Different ways of writing XPath expression.

Tools to find XPath in Firefox browser

Independent-dependent concept in XPath Expression

Tools To Find XPath In Chrome Browser

findElement() And findElements() Methods in Selenium WebDriver

CSS Selector In Selenium Webdriver: Points You Must Know

Write and validate XPath Expressions and CSS Selectors in Chrome and Firefox browser

Which Locator To Use? Read This Post.

How To Load URL In Selenium WebDriver – get() & navigate()

How to load a URL in browser without using get() or navigate() method in Selenium

All Ways Of Refreshing a Webapge In Selenium

How To Type, Retrieve and Clear values from the Text box and Text Area in Selenium WebDriver

getAttribute() method in Selenium WebDriver – Why, What and How to use?

Method 2: getCssValue() : What, When and How to use?

Using Thread.sleep() in Selenium WebDriver

Using Implicit Wait in Selenium WebDriver

Using Explicit Wait As WebDriverWait in Selenium WebDriver

Part 4: Waits In Selenium: Fluent Wait

Part 5: Waits In Selenium: What Happens When We Mix Sleep With Other Types Of Waits ?

Are You Mixing Waits In Selenium WebDriver? – A Bad Practise

Upload multiple files in Selenium

How To Handle A Web Table In Selenium Webdriver

Using getText() method in Selenium WebDriver

Handling Non-Select or Any Types Of dropdown In Selenium Webdriver

Part 1: Handling Drop-down Created Using SELECT Tag In Selenium

Part 2: Handling Single Select Drop-down Created Using SELECT Tag

Part 3: Handling Multi Select Drop-down Created Using SELECT Tag

Taking Screenshot Using TakesScreenshot Interface In Selenium

Capturing Screenshot Using Robot Class In Selenium

How To Handle Different Types Of Calendars In Selenium: Part 1

Handling Calendar Which Has Year & Month As Drop down In Selenium

JavaScript Way To Handle Calendar In Selenium

How To Locate Web Element Which Has Multiple Class Names

Handling ElementNotVisibleException And Element Is Not Clickable Exception In Selenium

Handling Bootstrap Tooltips In Selenium Webdriver

Difference Among isDisplayed(), presenceOfXXX() and visibilityOfXXX() Methods In Selenium Webdriver

Understanding NullPointerException And How To Avoid It In Java/Selenium

Handling Frames/IFrames In Selenium WebDriver : Part 1

Handling Frames/IFrames In Selenium WebDriver : Part 2

Handling Frames/IFrames In Selenium WebDriver : Part 3

Handling Website Popups In Selenium webdriver

Handling Javascript Alerts/Popups In Selenium Webdriver

Are We Using Proper Wait In Proper Way In Selenium Webdriver?

Handling Browser Window In Selenium Webdriver

Handling JQuery Dialog Box In Selenium Webdriver

What will happen if you pass Hindi words in sendKeys method in Selenium Webdriver.

Introduction Of Page Object Model In Selenium WebDriver: Advantages And disadvatages

Plain Page Object Model In Selenium Webdriver (Without PageFactory)

Page Factory In Selenium Webdriver: Inbuilt Page Object Model Of Selenium

How Page Factory In Selenium WebDriver Performs Lazy Initialization

Is It Possible To Use Page Factory Without FindBy In Selenium WebDriver?

Difference Between Page Object Model And PageFactory In Selenium WebDriver

How To Establish Relationship Between Pages In Page Object Model In Selenium WebDriver

Is Page Object Model a selenium framework?

Creating Object Repository In Selenium WebDriver Without Using Any External Data Source

Creating Object Repository In Selenium WebDriver Using Properties File As An External Source

Why It Is Not Possible To Read Locators From External Sources In Page Factory Of Selenium WebDriver

FindAll Annotation In Page Factory In Selenium WebDriver

FindBys Annotation In Page Factory In Selenium WebDriver

Singleton Design Pattern In Selenium WebDriver

How To Verify Functionality Of Back To Top Button In Selenium WebDriver

How To Select Random Value From Any Drop down In Selenium Web Driver

What will happen if we pass NULL as argument in sendKeys() method Of Selenium WebDriver

Why WebDriver Is An Interface not a class or an abstract class?

Why Should We Upcast Browser Driver Class Object To WebDriver?

Part 1: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium: Why We Need Javascript Commands In Selenium

Part 2: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium: How To Run Javascript Commands In Selenium

Part 3: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium: Problem You Might Face While Executing Javascript Commands In Selenium

Part 4: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium: Understanding Method executeScript Of JavascriptExecutor

Part 5: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium: Understanding Method executeAsyncScript Of JavascriptExecutor

Part 6: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium: Locating WebElements Using JavaScript Commands

Part 7: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium: Difference Among ScrollBy, ScrollTo and Scroll Methods Of Javascript

Part 8: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium: How To Scroll Web Page In Selenium WebDriver Using Javascript

Part 9: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium: How To Scroll Page By Page In Selenium WebDriver Using Javascript

Part 10: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium: How To Capture Screenshot Of Entire Web Page

Part 11: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium : How To Scroll To Any WebElement In Selenium WebDriver

Part 12: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium : How To Type In Input Box Using Javascript

How To Upload A File In Selenium Webdriver

Part 13: Usages Of Javascripts In Selenium : How JavaScript Helps In Uploading File In Selenium And Protractor

Why And How Should We Terminate Browser Driver Executable File In Selenium WebDriver

Selenium Framework 1- Framework- What, Why and How

Selenium Framework 2: Why Do We Need A Framework In Selenium?

Writing Conditional XPath In Selenium WebDriver

Locating Dynamic Web Elements In Selenium WebDriver : Conditional Xpaths And CSS

Selenium Interview Questions: Why Do Not We Switch Back To Driver After Handling An Alert

Selenium Framework 3: Types Of Selenium Frameworks

Selenium Framework 4: Understand Linear Framework in Selenium

Why Do We Require Browser Driver Executable File To Launch A Browser In Selenium WebDriver?

Controlling Browser Driver Services In Selenium WebDriver

TestNG Tutorials 1: Why Do We Require TestNG In Selenium?

TestNG Tutorials 2: Installation Of TestNG In Eclipse ==> Download And Add To Build Path Way

TestNG Tutorials 3: How To Add TestNG Plugin in Eclipse

TestNG Tutorials 4: Why TestNG Is Called A Testing Framework?

TestNG Tutorials 5: How To Create And Run A TestNG Class

TestNG Tutorials 6: How To Create and Run TestNG XML Of TestNG Class

TestNG Tutorials 7: How To Create Customized TestNG XML?

TestNG Tutorials 8: Understanding Testng.xml : Understanding Hierarchy Of Testng.xml

TestNG Tutorials 9: Internal Logic Of Generation Of TestNG.xml

TestNG Tutorials 10: What Is Package Tag And How To Use In TestNG.XML?

TestNG Tutorials 11: How To Run TestNG class From Sub-package Using TestNG.xml?

TestNG Tutorials 12: How To Run Inner TestNG Class From TestNG.xml ?

TestNG Tutorials 13: Can An Interface have TestNG Methods? If Yes, How To Execute Them?

TestNG Tutorials 14: Can We Overload Methods In TestNG Class?

TestNG Tutorials 15: Inheritance In TestNG Classes

TestNG Tutorials 17: Can @Test Annotation Be Used For A Class In TestNG?

TestNG Tutorials 18: Default Priority Of @Test Methods In TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 19: Default Priority Of @Test Methods In Inherited TestNG Classes

TestNG Tutorials 20: Overriding Of Test Methods In TestNG Class

TestNG Tutorials 21: Why Don’t We Require a Main Method In TestNG class For Execution Of Methods?

TestNG Tutorials 22: @Test Annotation – Games Of Priority Of Methods In TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 23: @Test Annotation – Don’t Confuse TestNG With Duplicate Priorities

TestNG Tutorials 24: Annotations In TestNG – A Quick Guide

TestNG Tutorials 25: Relation Between TestNG Annotations and TestNG XML

TestNG Tutorials 26: Understand Usage of alwaysRun Attribute With Test Method of TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 27: Usage of alwaysRun Attribute With Configuration Methods of TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 28: Grouping Test Methods In TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 29: Grouping Configuration Methods in TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 30: Groups Attribute at Class Level In TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 31: Multiple Groups Name For Test And Configuration Methods in TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 32: Customizing TestNG xml For Methods Belong to Multiple Group Names

Advanced TestNG Tutorials 33: Integration and Usage of BeanShell In TestNG XML

Advanced TestNG Tutorials 34: How To Pass a Group Name to be Run at Runtime in TestNG XML Using Beanshell

Advanced TestNG Tutorials 35: How To Pass Multiple Group Names to be Run at Runtime in TestNG XML Using Beanshell

TestNG Tutorials 36: Can a Test Method Return a Value in TestNG?

TestNG Tutorials 37: Usage of Regular Expression With Group Names in TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 38: How to Execute Groups in TestNG without Using TestNG XML

TestNG Tutorials 39: Run Only Test From a TestNG Class Without Using TestNG XML?

TestNG Tutorials 39: Run Only Test From a TestNG Class Without Using TestNG XML?

TestNG Tutorials 40: Groups of Groups or MetaGroups in TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 41: Skipping a Test Conditionally in TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 42: Parameters In TestNG or Parameterization of Methods in a TestNG Class

TestNG Tutorials 43: Difference Between “Parameters” and “parameter” in TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 44: Constructor with @Parameter Annotation

TestNG Tutorials 45: Passing Parameters at Test Method Level in TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 46: Overriding Parameters in TestNG

TestNG Tutorials 47: Marking a Parameter as Optional in TestNG

Best Practises in Page Object Model : Naming Conventions of Web Elements & Actions on it

How To Change Default Download Directory For Chrome Browser in Selenium WebDriver

How To Change Default Download Directory For Firefox Browser in Selenium WebDriver

Handling “This type of file can harm your computer.” Windows Dialog Box In Chrome Browser

Implementation of Explicit Wait as FluentWait and WebDriverWait in Selenium WebDriver