How To Handle A Web Table In Selenium Webdriver

Hello Folks,

In this post we will learn:
1. What is a web table?
2. Types of web tables.
2. Creating a demo web table using html.
3. Print all headers of a web table.
4. Retrieve and print number of rows in a web table.
5. Retrieve number of columns for each row.
6. Retrieve columns based on some conditions.
7. Retrieve last row of table.
8. Retrieve cell value using row and column number.
9. Retrieve column index based on column name.
10. Print all data from table.

What is web table?

A table is made of rows and columns. When we create a table for a web page, that is called as a web table. In HTML, table is created using <table> tag. Web table is a HTML structure for creating rows and columns on a Web page.

A web table can consists below parts:

  1. Header(s): It is created using <th> tag.
  2. Row(s):It is created using <tr> tag.
  3. Columns(s):It is created using <td> tag.

Types of web tables:

We can categorized web tables in two parts:

  1. Static web table: Number of rows and columns will be definite. Eg. Table of months, Table of days etc.
  2. Dynamic table: Number of rows and columns will be dynamic. It will be keep on increasing or decreasing based on data. For Eg: Sales table, Student table.

Creating a demo web table using html:

We will  create a web table which displays book name, author, subject and price. HTML code is very easy and self descriptive. You must know how to identify header, rows and columns.


Save above html code with .html extension. I will save it as HTMLTable.html.

When we open above html file in a browser, it will be shown as below:

[xyz-ihs snippet=”Web-Table”]

Handling different scenarios of web table:

1. Print all headers of web table:

Headers of web able is also a row. Header is created using <th> with <tr>. Generally first row of table is header. We can retrieve header name and print them using below code:

// Printing table header of a web table assuming first row as header
List allHeadersOfTable= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr[1]/th"));
System.out.println("Headers in table are below:");
System.out.println("Total headers found: "+allHeadersOfTable.size());
for(WebElement header:allHeadersOfTable)
Headers in table are below:
Total headers found: 4

In above code, I am using index (/tr[1]) to locate first row of table. I am assuming first row in table will be header. Suppose, if we are not sure which row is header, then we can use below code:

// Printing table header of a web table assuming no information about header row
List allHeadersOfTable1= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr/th"));
System.out.println("Headers in table are below:");
System.out.println("Total headers found: "+allHeadersOfTable1.size());
for(WebElement header:allHeadersOfTable1)


Headers in table are below:
Total headers found: 4

2. Retrieve and print number of rows in a web table:

We can retrieve and print number of rows using below code:

// Finding number of rows in a web table. We need to exclude header to get actual number of data rows
List allRows= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr"));
System.out.println("Total data rows found in table:"+ (allRows.size()-1));
Total data rows found in table:6

Since total number of rows includes header row, so we need to exclude header row from total number of rows to get actual number of data rows.

3. Find number of columns for each row:

Rows of a dynamic web table can have different number of columns. For example: Row1 has 3 columns while Row2 has 2 columns only. We can retrieve number of columns for each row using below code:

// Find number of columns in each row
List allRows= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr"));
// We will start from 2nd row as 1st row is header
for(int i=2;i<=allRows.size();i++)
	List allColumnsInRow=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td"));
	System.out.println("Number of columns in "+(i-1)+" data row is:"+allColumnsInRow.size());
Number of columns in 1 data row is:4
Number of columns in 2 data row is:4
Number of columns in 3 data row is:4
Number of columns in 4 data row is:4
Number of columns in 5 data row is:4
Number of columns in 6 data row is:4

4. Retrieve name of book whose author is Mukesh:

Way 1:

In table, we know 2nd column consists author name. So first we will retrieve author name column and will match by required author name. If it matches hen we will take value from 1st column which is book name.

System.out.println("Books written by Mukesh are below:");
List allRows= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr"));
for(int i=2;i<=allRows.size();i++)
     WebElement authorColumn=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td[2]"));
	WebElement bookNameColumns=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td[1]"));
Books written by Mukesh are below:
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Way 2:

This way is more efficient. I am using xpath text() method here.

// Another shortcut way
System.out.println("Books written by Mukesh are below:");
List allColumnsInRow=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr/td[text()='Mukesh']/../td[1]"));
for(WebElement e: allColumnsInRow)
Books written by Mukesh are below:
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5. List all books whose price is greater than or equal to 1000.

We can achieve this using below code:

List allRows= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr"));
// Print book name whose price is greater than and equal to 1000
System.out.println("Books with price greater than and equal to 1000 are below:");
for(int i=2;i<=allRows.size();i++) 
WebElement priceColumn=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td[4]")); 
       	WebElement bookName=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td[1]"));
Books with price greater than and equal to 1000 are below:
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6. Print last row of table:

We know number of rows in a dynamic web table will be keep on changing. Take an example of shopping mart. All sale amount are entered in a web table and at end of the day, sum of amount is displayed as a last row of table. So, directly we need to access last row to get total sell amount. We can not use a static row number because rows in table will depend on number of sales. In this case we will use last() method of xpath as shown below:

// How to print data from last row
System.out.println("Directly printing column values of last row of table: ");
List columnOfLastRow= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr[last()]/td"));
for(WebElement e:columnOfLastRow)
Directly printing column values of last row of table: 
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7. Print total cost of all books listed in table:

We can print sum of cost of all books using below code:

// find sum of cost of all books listed
List costColumns= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr/td[4]"));
int sum_price=0;
for(WebElement e:costColumns)
	sum_price= sum_price+Integer.parseInt(e.getText());
System.out.println("total price: "+sum_price);
total price: 7100

8. Retrieving cell value of specific column of specific row

We can locate a particular cell based on row and column number as shown below:

// Retrive cell value by providing row and column number
WebElement colValue= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]"));
Cell Value : Selenium

You can also make a customized method with parameters as shown below:

public static String getColValue(int row, int col, WebDriver driver)
   WebElement colValue= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+row+"]/td["+col+"]"));
   return colValue.getText();

You can make it more customizing by passing attribute value as parameters. Try that yourself.

9. Finding column index using column name:

You have requirement that you need to find average of cost of books. You are not aware which column has cost details. In this case, you first need to iterate header and match header name with “Price”. If it matches take that column number. Your problem is solve.

// Printing column index based on column name
List allHeadersOfTable2= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr[1]/th"));
for(int k=0;k<allHeadersOfTable2.size();k++)
		System.out.println("Column index of Price column is: "+(k+1));
Column index of Price column is: 4

10. Printing all data of table:

We can print all data of table using below code:

//Print each rows and columns from web table
System.out.println("Printing all column value: ");
for(int i=2;i<=allRows.size();i++)
List allColumnsInRow=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td"));
for(int j=0;j<allColumnsInRow.size();j++)
	System.out.print(allColumnsInRow.get(j).getText()+" ");


Complete JAVA CODE:

package MakeSeleniumEasy;

import java.util.List;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class HandlingWebTable {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("Execution Starts");
		// Setting chrome driver property and opening chrome browser
		System.setProperty("", "./exefiles/chromedriver.exe");
		WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();
		System.out.println("Browser opened.");
		// loading URL
		driver.get("C:/Users/Amod Mahajan/Desktop/HTMLTable.html");
		// Printing table header of a web table assuming first row as header
		System.out.println("Printing all header of table assuming first row as header: ");
		List allHeadersOfTable= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr[1]/th"));
		System.out.println("Headers in table are below:");
		System.out.println("Total headers found: "+allHeadersOfTable.size());
		for(WebElement header:allHeadersOfTable)
		// Printing table header of a web table assuming no information about header row
		System.out.println("Printing all header of table without information of row header ");
		List allHeadersOfTable1= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr/th"));
		System.out.println("Headers in table are below:");
		System.out.println("Total headers found: "+allHeadersOfTable1.size());
		for(WebElement header:allHeadersOfTable1)
		// Finding number of rows in a web table. We need to exclude header to get actual number of data rows
		System.out.println("Retrieving total number of data rows:");
		List allRows= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr"));
		System.out.println("Total data rows found in table:"+ (allRows.size()-1));
		// Find number of columns in each row
		System.out.println("Retrieving total number of columns for each row:");
		for(int i=2;i<=allRows.size();i++)
			List allColumnsInRow=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td"));
			System.out.println("Number of columns in "+(i-1)+" data row is:"+allColumnsInRow.size());
		//Print each rows and columns from web table
		System.out.println("Printing all column value: ");
		for(int i=2;i<=allRows.size();i++)
			List allColumnsInRow=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td"));
			for(int j=0;j<allColumnsInRow.size();j++)
				System.out.print(allColumnsInRow.get(j).getText()+" ");
		// List books name and price whose author is mukesh
		System.out.println("Way 1: Books written by Mukesh are below:");
		for(int i=2;i<=allRows.size();i++)
			WebElement authorColumn=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td[2]"));
				WebElement bookNameColumns=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td[1]"));
		// Another shortcut way
		System.out.println("Way 2: Books written by Mukesh are below:");
		List allColumnsInRow=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr/td[text()='Mukesh']/../td[1]"));
		for(WebElement e: allColumnsInRow)
		// Print book name whose price is greater than and equal to 1000
		System.out.println("Books with price greater than and equal to 1000 are below:");
		for(int i=2;i<=allRows.size();i++) { WebElement priceColumn=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td[4]")); if(Integer.parseInt(priceColumn.getText())>=1000)
				WebElement bookName=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+i+"]/td[1]"));
		// How to print data from last row
		System.out.println("Directly printing column values of last row of table: ");
		List columnOfLastRow= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr[last()]/td"));
		for(WebElement e:columnOfLastRow)
		// find sum of cost of all books listed
		List costColumns= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr/td[4]"));
		int sum_price=0;
		for(WebElement e:costColumns)
			sum_price= sum_price+Integer.parseInt(e.getText());
		System.out.println("total price: "+sum_price);
		// Retrive cell value by providing row and column number
		WebElement colValue= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]"));
		System.out.println("Cell Value : "+colValue.getText());
		System.out.println("Cell value using custom method: "+HandlingWebTable.getColValue(2, 3, driver));
		// Printing column index based on column name
		List allHeadersOfTable2= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr[1]/th"));
		for(int k=0;k<allHeadersOfTable2.size();k++)
				System.out.println("Column index of Price column is: "+(k+1));
	public static String getColValue(int row, int col, WebDriver driver)
		WebElement colValue= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[@name='BookTable']/tbody/tr["+row+"]/td["+col+"]"));
		return colValue.getText();


Execution Starts
Starting ChromeDriver 2.29.461591 (62ebf098771772160f391d75e589dc567915b233) on port 18351
Only local connections are allowed.
Jul 14, 2017 11:33:18 AM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ProtocolHandshake createSession
INFO: Detected dialect: OSS
Browser opened.
Printing all header of table assuming first row as header: 
Headers in table are below:
Total headers found: 4
Printing all header of table without information of row header 
Headers in table are below:
Total headers found: 4
Retrieving total number of data rows:
Total data rows found in table:6
Retrieving total number of columns for each row:
Number of columns in 1 data row is:4
Number of columns in 2 data row is:4
Number of columns in 3 data row is:4
Number of columns in 4 data row is:4
Number of columns in 5 data row is:4
Number of columns in 6 data row is:4
Printing all column value: 
Learn Selenium Amit Selenium 300 
Learn Java Mukesh Java 500 
Learn JS Animesh Javascript 300 
Master In Selenium Mukesh Selenium 3000 
Master In Java Amod JAVA 2000 
Master In JS Amit Javascript 1000 
Way 1: Books written by Mukesh are below:
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Way 2: Books written by Mukesh are below:
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Books with price greater than and equal to 1000 are below:
Master In Selenium
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Directly printing column values of last row of table: 
Master In JS
total price: 7100
Cell Value : Selenium
Cell value using custom method: Selenium
Column index of Price column is: 4

That’s it guys. A very long post as I tried to cover many cases. I hope it will be useful for handling web tables. If you have any doubts or find a mistake in this post, feel free to comment.

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13 thoughts on “How To Handle A Web Table In Selenium Webdriver”

  1. A very good explanation on tables and also teaching us efficient way of coding.Can you please make post on how to write the web table in an excel.

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