TestNG Tutorials 14: Can We Overload Methods In TestNG Class?

Hello Folks,

Method overloading is an important concept in Java. Can we create overloaded method in TestNG class. Let’s give it a try.

Overloaded TestNG class:

Create a testng.xml and run it:


You will get above exception in console because TestNG does not allow you to put any type of parameters to a TestNG annotated method. We will see about Dependency injection later.

Creating overloaded methods in TestNG using Data provider:

We can create overloaded methods in TestNG using Data provider. See a TestNG class below:

When you run above class as TestNG test, you will get output as:


Creating overloaded methods in TestNG using Parameters:

We can create overloaded methods in TestNG using Parameters. See a TestNG class below:

You need to create testng.xml with parameters tags as below:

When you run above testng.xml, you will get below output:

Hope you learnt new thing today.

More about TestNG in upcoming posts. Stay tuned.

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