Welcome to Rest-assured tutorial. I ensure you that you can learn API Testing step by step by following my posts.

REST Assured Tutorial 2 – Setup a Basic REST Assured Maven Project in Eclipse IDE

REST Assured Tutorial 3 – Static Import in Java

REST Assured Tutorial 4 – Let’s Write First GET REST Assured Test

REST Assured Tutorial 5 – Abstraction – Hide The Implementation

REST Assured Tutorial 6 – Interface in OOPS – Implement As You Wish

REST Assured Tutorial 7 – Builder Pattern in REST Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 8 – BDD Style in Rest Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 9 – Let’s Write First POST Request in REST Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 10 – Let’s Write First PUT Request in REST Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 11 – Let’s Write First PATCH Request in REST Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 12 – Let’s Write First DELETE Request in REST Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 13 – How to write API Response in a JSON File

REST Assured Tutorial 14 –RequestSpecification – How the request will look like

REST Assured Tutorial 15 – Multiple Ways of Calling HTTP Methods on a RequestSpecification

REST Assured Tutorial 16 – Building RequestSpecification Using RequestSpecBuilder

REST Assured Tutorial 17 – Setting a Default RequestSpecification in Rest Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 18 – Querying RequestSpecification in Rest Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 19 – Default Host And Port in Rest Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 20 – How to Send a JSON/XML File as Payload to Request

REST Assured Tutorial 21 – Get & Assert Response Time Of Request

REST Assured Tutorial 22 – Introduction to JSON

REST Assured Tutorial 23 – Creating JSON Object Request Body Using Java Map

REST Assured Tutorial 24 – Creating JSON Array Request Body Using List

REST Assured Tutorial 25 – How To Create a JSON Object Using Jackson API – ObjectMapper – createObjectNode()

REST Assured Tutorial 26 – How To Use Java Object As Payload For API Request

REST Assured Tutorial 27 – How To Create JSON Array Using Jackson API – ObjectMapper – CreateArrayNode()

REST Assured Tutorial 28 – What is Plain Old Java Object (POJO) ?

REST Assured Tutorial 29 – How to create POJO classes of a JSON Object Payload

REST Assured Tutorial 30 – How To Create POJO Classes Of A JSON Array Payload

REST Assured Tutorial 31 – How To Create POJO Classes Of A Nested JSON Payload

REST Assured Tutorial 32 – Serialization – Java Object To JSON Object Using Jackson API

REST Assured Tutorial 33 – De-Serialization – JSON Object To Java Object Using Jackson API

REST Assured Tutorial 34 – Serialization – Java Object To JSON Object Using Gson API

REST Assured Tutorial 35 – De-Serialization – JSON Object To Java Object Using Gson API

REST Assured Tutorial 36 – @JsonInclude Annotation – Ignore Default Values In Payload

REST Assured Tutorial 37 – @JsonInclude Annotation – Ignore Null & Empty Values In Payload

REST Assured Tutorial 38 – How Getter & Setter methods Matter For Serialization Deserialization Using POJO

REST Assured Tutorial 39 – @JsonIgnore Annotation of Jackson API – Exclude Field of Pojo From Serialization and Deserialization

REST Assured Tutorial 40 – @JsonIgnoreProperties Annotation Of Jackson API – Exclude Field Of Pojo From Serialization Or Deserialization or Both

REST Assured Tutorial 41 – Ignore unknown properties during deserialization Using @JsonIgnoreProperties

REST Assured Tutorial 42 – Ignore Unknown Properties During Deserialization Using ObjectMapper – Jackson API

REST Assured Tutorial 43 – Get All Keys From A Nested JSON Object

REST Assured Tutorial 44 – Fetch Value From JSON Object Using JsonNode – Jackson – get() & path() Methods

REST Assured Tutorial 45 – Fetch Value From Nested JSON Object Using JsonNode – Jackson – at() Method

REST Assured Tutorial 46 – Fetch Value From JSON Array Using JsonNode – Jackson – Get() & Path() Methods

REST Assured Tutorial 47 – Fetch Value From Nested JSON Array Using JsonNode – Jackson – At() Method

REST Assured Tutorial 48 – How To Pass Headers In Rest Assured Requests

REST Assured Tutorial 49 – How To Retrieve Single and MultiValue Headers From Response Using Rest Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 50 – How to set Content-Type for request in Rest Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 51 – How To Retrieve and Assert Content-Type of Response in Rest Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 52 – ResponseSpecification – Specify how the expected response must look like

REST Assured Tutorial 53 – How to create ResponseSpecification using ResponseSpecBuilder

REST Assured Tutorial 54 – What is JSON Schema?

REST Assured Tutorial 55 – JSON Schema Validation in Rest Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 56 – JSON Schema Validation Without Rest Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 57 – Editing Existing JSON Object On The Fly Using JsonNode – Jackson

REST Assured Tutorial 58 – What is JsonPath and how to create it for simple and nested JSON Object?

REST Assured Tutorial 59 – How To Create JsonPath For Simple And Nested JSON Array?

REST Assured Tutorial 60 – Learn to write JsonPath expressions or JsonPath syntax

REST Assured Tutorial 61 – Deserialize Using JsonPath

REST Assured Tutorial 62 – How To Use Path or URL Parameters In Rest Assured

REST Assured Tutorial 63 – How to create JSON with date fields using POJO

REST Assured Tutorial 64 – How to pass value from one API to Another API using TestNG – ITestContext

REST Assured Tutorial 65 – How to parse a JSON Object response to a Java Map in Rest Assured?

REST Assured Tutorial 66 – How To Parse A JSON Array Response To A Java List In Rest Assured?

REST Assured Tutorial 67 – How to assert full response JSON body in Rest Assured?

REST Assured Tutorial 68 – Compare Two JSON using Jackson – Java Library

REST Assured Tutorial 69 – Introduction To JsonAssert Library

REST Assured Tutorial 70 – Compare JSON Objects using JSONassert Library

REST Assured Tutorial 71 – Compare JSON Arrays Using JSONassert Library

REST Assured Tutorial 72 – How To Compare Part of JSON Objects and Arrays using JSONassert library

REST Assured Tutorial 73 – How to ignore node/s for JSON comparison in JSONassert