Postman Tutorial 1 – Introduction of The Postman Tool – A tool just not for API testing

Postman Tutorial Part 2 – Installation of Postman Tool – Chrome App, Native App and Web app

Postman Tutorial Part 3 – Sending First GET Request in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 4 – Sending GET Request With Query Params in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 5 – Sending POST Request in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 6 – Understand HTTP Headers in API

Postman Tutorial Part 7 – Difference Between ‘Accept’ and ‘Content-Type’ HTTP Headers

Postman Tutorial Part 8 – How to Send PUT Request in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 9 – DIfference Between Put and Patch HTTP Methods

Postman Tutorial Part 10 – Sending PATCH Request in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 11 – Sending DELETE Request in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 12 – Understand Environment & Variables in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 13 – Create, Manage and Use Environment In Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 14 – Create, Manage and Use Global Variable In Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 15 – Adding Automation Test Scripts In Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 16 – Introduction To Collections In Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 17 – Creating a Collection In Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 18- Sharing & Importing Collections as a Link in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 19 – Save Response in Collection in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 20 – Use Variables in Request Builder OR How To Build Parameterized Request in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 21 – Scripts In Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 22 – Postman Console – Debugging And Logging

Postman Tutorial Part 23 – Introduction to Postman Sandbox

Postman Tutorial Part 24 -Set, Get and Unset Global & Environment Variables in Postman Scripts

Postman Tutorial Part 25 – Collection Runner in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 26 – Using Environment in Collection Runner

Postman Tutorial Part 27 – Building Workflows in Collection Runner Using setNextRequest() in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 28- Building Workflow in Postman Using Collection Runner – New Feature of Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 29 -Postman Sandbox API reference – Global functions (pm.*) – Object

Postman Tutorial Part 30-Extracting and Asserting Request & Response Headers in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 31 – URI Path Variables in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 32 – Retrieve Query Parameter Value in Tests Script in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 33 – Retrieve Path Variables Value in Tests Script in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 34 – Extracting Value From JSON Object Response in Postman – JSON Object Parsing in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 35 – Extracting Value From JSON Array Response in Postman – JSON Array Parsing in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 36 – Export & Import Postman Collection As a JSON – Sharing Postman Collection

Postman Tutorial Part 37 – Export & Import Global & Environment Variables in Postman As a JSON

Postman Tutorial Part 38 – Mostly Used Assertion Code Snippets in Postman to Achieve API Automation

Postman Tutorial Part 39 – Header Presets in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 40 – Collection Variables in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 41 – Dynamic Variables in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 42 – Create Parameterized Request by Reading Data From CSV in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 43 – Create Parameterized Request by Reading Data From JSON in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 44 – Data Driven Testing in Postman Using CSV File

Postman Tutorial Part 45 – Data Driven Testing in Postman Using JSON File

Postman Tutorial Part 46 – Accessing Data Variables in Pre-request and test scripts

Postman Tutorial Part 47 – Local or Temporary Variables in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 48 – All Types of Variables in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 49 – How to Upload an Image Using Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 50 – How to Retrieve Request Body in Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 51 -Printing Request Body & Response Body in Postman Console

Postman Tutorial Part 52 – How To Send Parameterized XML Payload In Postman

Postman Tutorial Part 53 – Extracting Value From XML Response in Postman

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