Interview Experience at Home Credit India – Gurgaon for Automation Testing Profile – Nov– 2019

Company Name :- Home Credit India
Date :- Nov – 2019
Experience Level: – 2 – 4 Years
Location– Gurgaon
Mode : – F2F


Q1. Suppose there are 100 classes for 100 test web pages how will u manage it?

Q2. Write xpath using contains text.

Q3. Supposed in a drop down there are 8 cities, how will u verify the duplicate cities present or not using select class.

Q4. Suppose i have an application where i have text showing “welcome”

After clicking on refresh button ,the text changes to “home page”

Now the text ” home page” appears after clicking on n number of times in refresh button
How to write using selenium logic and while loop logic until the text changes from “welcome” to “home page”?

Q5. What are the different test design techniques used in your project?

If you want to share you interview experience with any company for Testing profile, write with all details as given above and mail me at It will help testing community a lot.

Practice interview questions asked in different organisations here.

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