Introduction Everyone knows the horror of NullPointerException. If we do not put checks on the null value then the execution…
[qsm quiz=10]
In this post, we will learn the basic concepts of Arrays by attempting objective questions. Hope it will be helpful…
Let’s attempt some basic Java questions and learn. [quiz-cat id=”7502″] If you have any doubt, feel free to comment below.If…
Let’s start with a simple Java program and understand:- package Concepts; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class GetOrDefaultMethodExample { public…
We have already learned a Java Program to find the closest value of a given number in an unsorted array.…
I have explicitly added the term “Unsorted” array but the interviewer may not say this piece of information and expect…
As a part of Java Interview Questions, in this post, we will see an interview question which I faced in…
Introduction As a part of the End to End REST Assured Tutorial, in this post, we will learn the static import concept…
“How much Java I need to learn for selenium with Java binding?” is mostly asked question by a Professional who…