It includes important testing concepts which a tester must read. It is related to testing practices or tools. Focused on Selenium, API testing, Java.

StaleElementReferenceException – Element’s “Reference” Stales – Get New Reference Of Element

Usage of Enum in Selenium WebDriver Scripts

How to Fluent With FluentWait in Selenium WebDriver? – Part 1

How to Fluent With FluentWait in Selenium WebDriver? – Part 2

FluentWait Vs WebDriverWait in Selenium WebDriver

How PageFactory Could Help to Handle StaleElementReferenceException

Are You Still Using Apache POI – HSSFWorkbook & XSSFWorkbook To Read/Write Excel? Try WorkbookFactory

Create a Map From Excel Data in Java – Selenium – API Automation

Create A List Of Map From Excel Data In Java – Selenium – API Automation

How To Open Duplicate Tab In Chrome Browser – Selenium WebDriver

MSE-ReadyToUseSeleniumCode – Storing Web Table Data Into List Of Map – Java

MSE-ReadyToUseSeleniumCode – Storing Web Table Data Into a List Of Maps Using Java Stream APIs

Storing Web Table With Pagination Data Into List Of Map – Java

Learn About Less Talked & Used XPath Function – position()

Learn About Less Talked & Used XPath Function – concat()

How To Upload Multiple Files In Selenium WebDriver – Java

Handling Window Authentication in Chrome Using Selenium WebDriver

Test Your Basics of Selenium WebDriver – Java By Answering These Interview Questions

How To Solve – IllegalArgumentException: Keys to send should be a not null CharSequence

ThreadLocal Static WebDriver For Parallel Execution

ElementNotInteractableException – element not interactable

ElementClickInterceptedException – Element click intercepted – not clickable at point – Other element would receive the click

Where Does PageFactory Suck – Selenium WebDriver – Java

Do You Know That Class ExpectedConditions is Not To Just Use With WebDriverWait?

Are You Getting NullPointerException For Second TestNG Test While Running As A Suite?

How To Use Singleton Class to Manage Instance Variables in Automation Framework – Java

How To Use ThreadSafe Singleton Class To Manage Instance Variables In Automation Framework – Java

Test Automation Is Needed But Not As Magic