I started a series of “Ready To Use Selenium Java Code”. In last post we have already seen a detailed Java code to store a web table data in to List of Maps. In this post, we will do the same stuff in more optimal way using Java Stream APIs.
A table is made of rows and columns. When we create a table for a web page, that is called as a web table. In HTML, a web table is created using <table> tag. Web table is a HTML structure for creating rows and columns on a Web page.
A web table can consists below parts:
- Header(s): It is created using <th> tag.
- Row(s):It is created using <tr> tag.
- Columns(s):It is created using <td> tag.
A typical web table’s first row is marked as header and from second row onward, it stores values. Table headers can be grouped using <thead> and remaining row can be grouped as <tbody>. Last row can also be grouped as <tfoot>. An example is shown below:-
Item | Price |
Rice | 100 |
Veg | 200 |
Sum | 300 |
If you save above html code as <someName>.html and open a web browser, you will see output as below:-
So, we are going to learn how can we store a web table data in a Java Collection. Let’s start with logic and connect dots.
Let’s have a bigger web table first. HTML Code is as below:-
ID | Name | Age | Expereince | Location | Marital Status | Native | Email ID | Mobile No | Ready To Relocate |
1 | Amod | 29 | 7 Years | Bengaluru | No | Bihar | amod@gmail.com | 12345 | Yes |
2 | Mukesh | 30 | 8 Years | Bengaluru | Yes | MP | mukesh@gmail.com | 23456 | Yes |
3 | Animesh | 29 | 5 Years | Kolkata | No | Gujrat | animesh@gmail.com | 98765 | No |
4 | Aaditya | 27 | 3 Years | Bhopal | No | Bihar | aaditya@gmail.com | 34567 | No |
5 | Prince | 36 | 10 Years | Dehradun | No | WB | navneet@gmail.com | 68768 | Yes |
6 | Anu | 26 | 3 Years | Pune | No | CG | anu@gmail.com | 78676 | Yes |
7 | Sneha | 27 | 5 Years | Delhi | Yes | KA | sneha@gmail.com | 32432 | No |
Save above html code in a file with .html extension and open in a web browser. You will see a table as below:-
Let’s break logic to multiple points first:-
1.First row is header and remaining are data.
2. We can store all data in a Java Collection List but identification of data is difficult i.e. which data represents which value.
3. It is good to store each row in a map where key will be header name and value will be current row cell value. For E.g. [Name=Amod, Age=29…..]
4. After adding a row in to Map, add that Map in to List. So we will have a List of Map.
[{ID=1, Name=Amod, Age=29, Expereince=7 Years, Location=Bengaluru, Marital Status=No, Native=Bihar, Email ID=amod@gmail.com, Mobile No=12345, Ready To Relocate=Yes},
{ID=2, Name=Mukesh, Age=30, Expereince=8 Years, Location=Bengaluru, Marital Status=Yes, Native=MP, Email ID=mukesh@gmail.com, Mobile No=23456, Ready To Relocate=Yes}, …]
5. You can customize in whatever you want. You may want to store in a Map where ID or Name will be key and remaining as value for easy picking.
[{Amod = {ID=1, Name=Amod, Age=29, Expereince=7 Years, Location=Bengaluru, Marital Status=No, Native=Bihar, Email ID=amod@gmail.com, Mobile No=12345, Ready To Relocate=Yes},
{Mukesh = {ID=2, Name=Mukesh, Age=30, Expereince=8 Years, Location=Bengaluru, Marital Status=Yes, Native=MP, Email ID=mukesh@gmail.com, Mobile No=23456, Ready To Relocate=Yes}, …]
I have used Stream APIs of Java. It helps in writing logic in shorter form.
Java Code:-
package WebTablesExamples; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.IntStream; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager; public class ReadTableDataInListOfMapUsingStreamAPI { @Test public void readTableDataInListOfMap() { // Browser initialization WebDriverManager.chromedriver().setup(); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); String fileURL = System.getProperty("user.dir"); driver.get(fileURL + "/src/test/resources/htmlFiles/WebTable.html"); // Each row will be a key value pair. So we will use LinkedHashMap so that order can be retained. // All map will be added to a list. List> allTableData = new ArrayList >(); // Get total headers of table using stream apis, String rowLoc = "//table[@class='tg']//tr"; List headers = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//table[@class='tg']//tr//th")).stream().map(headerEle -> headerEle.getText()).collect(Collectors.toList()); // Getting each row then getting each column of row // skip(1) to skip first row as first row is header row driver.findElements(By.xpath(rowLoc)).stream().skip(1).forEach(row -> { // each cell data of row List rowData = row.findElements(By.tagName("td")).stream().map(columnEle -> columnEle.getText()).collect(Collectors.toList()); // Now iterating both header list and rowData list and putting in to a LinkedHashMap // toMap() has overloaded version.Third argument is to combine duplicate key values. allTableData.add(IntStream.range(0, headers.size()).boxed().collect(Collectors.toMap(i -> headers.get(i), i -> rowData.get(i), (first, second) -> first, LinkedHashMap ::new))); }); System.out.println(allTableData); driver.quit(); } }
[{ID=1, Name=Amod, Age=29, Expereince=7 Years, Location=Bengaluru, Marital Status=No, Native=Bihar, Email ID=amod@gmail.com, Mobile No=12345, Ready To Relocate=Yes}, {ID=2, Name=Mukesh, Age=30, Expereince=8 Years, Location=Bengaluru, Marital Status=Yes, Native=MP, Email ID=mukesh@gmail.com, Mobile No=23456, Ready To Relocate=Yes}, {ID=3, Name=Animesh, Age=29, Expereince=5 Years, Location=Kolkata, Marital Status=No, Native=Gujrat, Email ID=animesh@gmail.com, Mobile No=98765, Ready To Relocate=No}, {ID=4, Name=Aaditya, Age=27, Expereince=3 Years, Location=Bhopal, Marital Status=No, Native=Bihar, Email ID=aaditya@gmail.com, Mobile No=34567, Ready To Relocate=No}, {ID=5, Name=Prince, Age=36, Expereince=10 Years, Location=Dehradun, Marital Status=No, Native=WB, Email ID=navneet@gmail.com, Mobile No=68768, Ready To Relocate=Yes}, {ID=6, Name=Anu, Age=26, Expereince=3 Years, Location=Pune, Marital Status=No, Native=CG, Email ID=anu@gmail.com, Mobile No=78676, Ready To Relocate=Yes}, {ID=7, Name=Sneha, Age=27, Expereince=5 Years, Location=Delhi, Marital Status=Yes, Native=KA, Email ID=sneha@gmail.com, Mobile No=32432, Ready To Relocate=No}]
You may need to edit code based on your web table but logic will be less or more same.
You can clone code from my git repo.
If you have any doubt, feel free to comment below.
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