Interview Experience at Publicis Sapient Bangalore for Selenium & API Testing Profile – Jan– 2020

Company Name :- Publicis Sapient
Date :- Jan – 2020
Experience Level: – 4 – 8 Years
Location– Bengaluru
Mode : – F2F

There were four rounds:-

  1. Written Round
  2. First Technical
  3. Psychometric Test
  4. Managerial Round

Written Round:

There were 10-10 objective question with options each from Selenium and Java. From Java maximum were programming questions. Questions were related to Access specifiers, object creation, overloading, variables and collections. Questions were tricky. So you need to concentrate well while answering.

Selenium questions were straight forward. I remember two questions only. Return type of getWindowHandles() and What is WebDriver. Other questions were very easy. Your basics need to be cleared.

Although this round is easy but maximum rejection happened in this round only.

First Technical Round:-

I think this is a deciding round. They have big panel so an interviewer takes good time to evaluate candidates. A lot of questions were asked.

  1. How do you run feature files parallel in Cucumber?
  2. How do you share states between scenarios. Write code.
  3. There is an Employee web table. How you will store data in a collection optimally so that retrieving details of any employee is easier.
  4. Write a Java program to right rotate the elements of an array by N.
  5. What are exceptions you have faced and how you resolved?
  6. How do you use optimal page object model?
  7. Explain current framework and list drawbacks of that.
  8. Have you used stream API in Java?
  9. Tell me step by step process of Integrating Selenium, Cucumber and TestNG.
  10. How do you serialize and desalinize Json Object?
  11. Say me error codes and how did you resolve it?
  12. What is JWT?
  13. Difference between POST, PUT and PATCH?
  14. What is POJO?
  15. They will ask many cross questions based on your answer. So drive it well.

Psychometric Round:

Psychometric tests are a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals’ mental capabilities and behavioral style. Psychometric tests are designed to measure candidates’ suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities). They identify the extent to which candidates’ personality and cognitive abilities match those required to perform the role. Employers use the information collected from the psychometric test to identify the hidden aspects of candidates that are difficult to extract from a face-to-face interview. Read more about it here.

This test will be online and no technical questions.

Managerial Round:

It had less technical more scenarios based questions.

  1. How you convince your senior when senior advice some incorrect technical concept?
  2. What is your role in sprint?
  3. How do you perform automation in sprint?
  4. How you increase your technical competencies?
  5. Difference between Sprint and Kanban?
  6. Suppose there is no existing automation framework and from first day you need to start automation of stories in sprint. How you will start?
  7. Have you published any article or white papers?
  8. How many certifications you have done?

If you want to share you interview experience with any company for Testing profile, write with all details as given above and mail me at It will help testing community a lot.

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