Interview Experience at Innoflexion Bangalore for JavaScript and API Automation Testing Profile ( Sep – 2019)

Shared By: – Amit Singh
Company Name :- Innoflexion Technologies
Experience Level: – 2 Years
Location– Bengaluru
Mode : – F2F
Date :- Sep – 2019

Questions Asked:-

1:- What is Inheritance

2:- What is the use of super keyword?

3:- What is different types of way to declare a variable in JavaScript?

4:- WAP for finding a common character from a String (Very trending try to do with MAP).

5:- What is call back function?

6:- How to implement callback function?

7:- WAP to find the alternate prime from 1 to 100?

8:- What is the reporting interfaces for TestNG?

9:- What is the protocols used by REST and Soap?

10:- Various methods used in API?

11:- How to find the error in response?

If you want to share you interview experience with any company for Testing profile, write with all details as given above and mail me at It will help testing community a lot.

Practice interview questions asked in different organisations here.

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