Method names in the title might confuse you but those are the best words to give them when you go through this post.
If you want to create a string in a fixed format like “Amod123Mahajan” or “” etc then the above methods will be useful for you.
Maven Dependency
I have used below Javafaker API dependency:-
com.github.javafaker javafaker 1.0.2
Prerequisite posts
I have covered Javafaker API below posts. You can go through it to understand more about Javafaker API.
Javafaker API – Generate Real-Time Fake Data – Faker Class
Generate Random Numbers Using Javafaker API – Java
Method numerify()
String numerify(String numberString)
As per official Javadoc, the above method returns a string with the ‘#‘ characters in the parameter replaced with random digits between 0-9 inclusive.
For example, the string “ABC##EFG” could be replaced with a string like “ABC99EFG“.
In simple words, if you want to have a number/s at specific places of a string just put a hash(“#”) there and numerify() method will put a random number there.
package FakerClassExamples; import com.github.javafaker.Faker; public class NumerifyExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Faker faker = new Faker(); System.out.println(faker.numerify("Amod##Mahajan")); System.out.println(faker.numerify("A#mod##Maha#jan")); System.out.println(faker.numerify("A#mod##Mahajan453")); } }
Amod45Mahajan A4mod23Maha2jan A6mod39Mahajan453
Method letterify()
String letterify(String letterString)
As per official Javadoc, the above method returns a string with the ‘?’ characters in the parameter replaced with random alphabetic characters.
For example, the string “12??34” could be replaced with a string like “12ab34”.
In simple words, if you want to have an alphabet/s at specific places of a string just put a hash(“?”) there and letterify() method will put a random alphabet there.
By default, it will put lower case letters. If you want it should put upper case letters then you can use below-overloaded method.
public java.lang.String letterify(java.lang.String letterString, boolean isUpper)
package FakerClassExamples; import com.github.javafaker.Faker; public class LetterifyExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Faker faker = new Faker(); System.out.println(faker.letterify("167??789")); System.out.println(faker.letterify("?34?45??")); System.out.println(faker.letterify("Amod??Maha?an")); } }
167cn789 s34r45tv AmodvnMahaban
Method bothify()
String bothify(String string)
Applies both a numerify(String)
and a letterify(String)
over the incoming string.
package FakerClassExamples; import com.github.javafaker.Faker; public class BothifyExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Faker faker = new Faker(); System.out.println(faker.bothify("Amod##167??789")); System.out.println(faker.bothify("?34?45??")); System.out.println(faker.bothify("Amod##Maha?an")); } }
Amod18167mi789 c34t45bh Amod59Mahacan
These methods will be helpful to create random email ids or alphanumeric strings etc.
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