In this post, we will see some facts,misconceptions and myths about Selenium WebDriver which you may be keep encountering around:-
- You can become an Automation Tester after learning Selenium only. – Hmm, not true.
- If you want to work on Selenium-Python, first learn Selenium-Java. It is absolutely not like that.
- “Selenium” is neither the entry point not end point of Automation testing.
- There are many language specific client drivers to interact with “Selenium API” other than Java.
- Browser drivers are not developed by Selenium developers.
- Selenium is a list of APIs.
- Selenium is not meant for performance testing.
- Selenium is not meant for API testing.
- Selenium is not meant for standalone or desktop based application automation.
- Selenium is not meant for automate excel sheet.
- Selenium is not meant for automate pdf files.
- Selenium is not meant to do Database testing.
- Selenium has its limitations.
- Everything that pops up , can not be handled by Alert interface.
- Every dropdown can not handled using Select class.
- There is no term called Hard Assert.
- Thread.sleep() does not belong to Selenium.
- There are two types of waits available in Selenium- Implicit wait and Explicit wait.
- Using JavaScript commands where WebDriver APIs fail is not recommended. You may miss bug.
- Running scripts by passing keywords from Excel is not the Keyword driven framework in Selenium.
- Using TestNG DataProvider is not the only way to achieve Data driven framework in Selenium.
- Page Object Model is a concept, PageFactory is an implementation.
- PageFactory is provided by Selenium, not by TestNG.
- NullPointerException occurs because of Developer’s mistake in codes.
- StaleElementException can not be handled by increasing wait time.
- Page Object Model is not a framework. It is a design pattern.
- Many people start explaining their Selenium framework from Tests.
- There is difference between Visibility and Presence of a Web Element.
- You can write robust XPath and CSS compared to generated locators by tools.
- Selenium automates browser. You need to add validation to use it as a testing tool.
- Synchronization in Selenium is related to matching speed of your code with application.
- There is no difference between get() and navigate() internally.
- Assert statement terminates the execution because it throws an Error and generally we handle Exceptions only.
- “Difference between Assert and Verify” may be an invalid question. I have never seen any term called “verify” till now.
- Many selenium professionals confuse to differentiate among website popup, JavaScript popup, Notifications popup etc.
- AutoIT is only for windows and can not be executed on Jenkins.
- People struggle lot to run Selenium scripts on Internet Explorer browser.
- There is not marginally difference in performance of XPath Vs CSS.
- CSS is said to be good for cross browser testing as they never change across browsers. It is not correct. You do navigation in both Xpath and CSS.
- You can not inspect a JavaScript alert.
- Many Selenium professional do not follow folder hierarchy and usage provided by build tools Maven and Gradle.
- 32 bit Internet explorer driver works faster for both 32 and 64 bit Windows IE.
- You always do not need to downcast driver to capture screen shot.
- You always do not need to downcase driver to execute JavaScript commands.
- Selenium became famous as it is an open source. There are many powerful paid tools than Selenium in market.
- Selenium is not a favourite tools in Agile or DevOps as it has late entry in Test First methodology.
- Selenium can not find real bugs if you do not cover validation well.
- Many people write data dependent selenium scripts.
- Many people are afraid of upgrading Selenium and browser versions in Framework.
- Selenium professionals become more happy when they see higher percentage of test passes. It should be other way around.
- If you do not know about waits in Selenium, then only go for Protractor for Angular applications. It is a big misconception. Protractor has its own advantages for Angular applications.
- More you good in language, better Selenium scripts you can write.
I will keep updating this list. You can also comment your views below.
Really helpful for beginners in selenium.
thank you soo much. I was in need of such post.