Frequently Asked Java Program 09: Printing Words In Circular Order From Given Index

Hello Folks,

As part of Frequently Asked Java Programs In Interviews For Freshers And Experienced, in this post we will see a Java program to Printing Words In Circular Order From Given Index.


Suppose you have below string:

“Make Selenium Easy” Where

-“Make” is at position zero.
-“Selenium” is at first position .
-“Easy” is at second position .

If I say:

-zero, You need to print “Make Selenium Easy”.
-one, you need to print “Selenium Easy Make”.
-two, you need to print “Easy Selenium Make”.

Accept string and position from user.

Java Program:

package MakeSeleniumEasy;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CircularString {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner sc= new Scanner(;
		System.out.println("Enter words separated by space:");
		String input= sc.nextLine();
		System.out.println("Enter position:");
		int index=sc.nextInt();
		// Splitting input string in to string array
		String inputArray[]= input.split(" ");
		// validation for acceptable index
		// index should be grater than or equal to zero and less than length of array
		if(index>=0 && index <inputArray.length)
			System.out.print("Output: ");
			// Printing from given index till last index
			for(int i=index;i<inputArray.length;i++)
				System.out.print(inputArray[i]+" ");
			// printing from index zero to position-1
			for(int k=0;k<index;k++)
				System.out.print(inputArray[k]+" ");
			System.out.println("Index is invalid.");


Enter words separated by space:
Make Selenium Easy
Enter position:
Output: Make Selenium Easy 
Enter words separated by space:
Make Selenium Easy
Enter position:
Output: Selenium Easy Make 
Enter words separated by space:
Make Selenium Easy
Enter position:
Output: Easy Make Selenium 
Enter words separated by space:
Make Selenium Easy
Enter position:
Index is invalid.

Program is self descriptive. I have put required comments as well. If you have any doubt, feel free to comment.


2 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Java Program 09: Printing Words In Circular Order From Given Index”

  1. Hi Amod,
    This program can be done other way also, using do..while loop

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println(“Enter words separated by space:”);
    String input = sc.nextLine();
    System.out.println(“Enter position:”);
    int index = sc.nextInt();
    // Splitting input string in to string array
    String inputArray[] = input.split(” “);
    int len = inputArray.length;
    // validation for acceptable index
    // index should be grater than or equal to zero and less than length of array
    if (index >= 0 && index < len) {
    System.out.print("Output: ");
    // Printing from given index till last index
    int i = index;

    System.out.print(inputArray[i%len]+" ");
    i = i % len;

    } else {
    System.out.println("Index is invalid.");

    I have validated this one and it is also giving the same expected output.

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