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Logic step by step
- Get all words from the given sentence.
- We will be required a data structure to store the words at their correct position. We can use an Array or Array List.
- Extract the index value from each word and use this index value to insert the word into the data structure.
- Join the words to form a sentence.
Complete Java Program
package strings.easy; // https://leetcode.com/problems/sorting-the-sentence/ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class SortingTheSentence { // Using Array public static String sortSentence(String sentence) { // Splt sentence to get words String[] words = sentence.split(" "); // Create an array of same length as words count String[] wordsWithCorrectPosition = new String[words.length]; // Iterate word by word for(String word : words) { // Extract last char from word int index = Character.getNumericValue(word.charAt(word.length() - 1)); // Insert word at its correct position in array wordsWithCorrectPosition[index - 1] = word.substring(0, word.length()-1); } // Join all words of array with whitespace as delimiter return String.join(" ", wordsWithCorrectPosition); } // Using ArrayList public static String sortSentenceWithArrayList(String sentence) { // Splt sentence to get words String[] words = sentence.split(" "); // Create a new ArrayList from above array ArrayListwordsList = new ArrayList<>(List.of(words)); // Iterate word by word for(String word : words) { // Extract last char from word int index = Character.getNumericValue(word.charAt(word.length() - 1)); // Replace word at its correct position in ArrayList wordsList.set(index - 1, word.substring(0, word.length()-1)); } // Join all words of array with whitespace as delimiter return String.join(" ", wordsList); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(sortSentence("is2 sentence4 This1 a3")); System.out.println(sortSentence("Myself2 Me1 I4 and3")); System.out.println(sortSentenceWithArrayList("is2 sentence4 This1 a3")); System.out.println(sortSentenceWithArrayList("Myself2 Me1 I4 and3")); } }
This is a sentence Me Myself and I This is a sentence Me Myself and I