REST Assured Tutorial 65 – How to parse a JSON Object response to a Java Map in Rest Assured?


As a part of the End to End REST Assured Tutorial, in this post, we will learn to parse a JSON Object response to a Java Map in Rest Assured.

It is not always necessary to convert the response to a POJO class instance to fetch values. We can cast or convert a JSON Object response into a Java Map directly. It is useful if you do not use Pojo classes.

Required Dependency

We are using the below version of Rest Assured:-

Parse Json Object Response to Java Map

Once the response is returned and if it is a JSON object then we can parse them as a Map. There is a method called as() which takes a TypeRef reference to support classes with generics. For example – A JSON Object can be represented as a Map<String, Object>. To cast JSON Object response in such type we need to use as() method with TypeRef. TypeRef is an abstract class that is used to specify generic type information when de-serializing a response.

Example Program

package RestAssuredConcepts;

import java.util.Map;

import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.common.mapper.TypeRef;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;

public class ParseJsonObjectResponseToMap {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Map responseBody = null;
		responseBody = 
				.body("{\r\n" + 
						"    \"firstname\" : \"Jim\",\r\n" + 
						"    \"lastname\" : \"Brown\",\r\n" + 
						"    \"totalprice\" : 111,\r\n" + 
						"    \"depositpaid\" : true,\r\n" + 
						"    \"bookingdates\" : {\r\n" + 
						"        \"checkin\" : \"2018-01-01\",\r\n" + 
						"        \"checkout\" : \"2019-01-01\"\r\n" + 
						"    },\r\n" + 
						"    \"additionalneeds\" : \"Breakfast\"\r\n" + 
				// Extract response as Map
				.as(new TypeRef>() {});
		// To print booking id
		System.out.println("Booking id is : "+responseBody.get("bookingid"));
		// If we do not use below annotation then also no problem. As we are directly casting without checking
		// so I have used it to surpass warning.
		// Since "booking" key holds another JSON Object to parsing it again as Map.
		Map bookingDetails = (Map)responseBody.get("booking");
		System.out.println("First name is "+ bookingDetails.get("firstname"));
Booking id is : 11
First name is Jim

You can download/clone the above sample project from here.

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