As a part of End to End REST Assured Tutorial , in this post We will learn to create a POJO classes for a nested JSON payload.
We already know now :-
Now we will make it complex by nesting JSON Object and JSON arrays which we see in real time while working.
Example JSON Payload
{ "companyName": "MSE", "companyHOCity": "Benagluru", "companyCEO": "Amod", "supportedSalaryBanks": [ "HDFC", "ICICI", "AXIS" ], "pincodesOfCityOffice": [ 560037, 360034, 456343 ], "employee": [ { "firstName": "Amod", "lastName": "Mahajan", "gender": "Male", "age": 28, "salary": 10000.56, "married": false }, { "firstName": "Animesh", "lastName": "Prashant", "gender": "Male", "age": 30, "salary": 20000.56, "married": false }, { "firstName": "Kitty", "lastName": "Gupta", "gender": "Female", "age": 26, "salary": 30000.56, "married": false } ], "contractors": [ { "firstName": "Seema", "lastName": "Singh", "contractFrom": "Jan-2019", "contractTo": "JAN-2025" }, { "firstName": "Hari", "lastName": "Prasad", "contractFrom": "Jan-2017", "contractTo": "JAN-2030" } ], "companyPFDeails": { "pfName": "XYZ", "pfCity": "Benagluru", "pfYear": 2012, "noOfEmployees": 10 } }
Creating POJO classes are simple if we identify what are classes we need to create correctly. A final POJO class for a JSON Payload is created by combining multiple blocks. Let’s identify different objects or POJO :-
There is no need to create a POJO for a 1:1 fields. We can include them in a final POJO class. For example :- In above payload field names like “companyName” , “companyHOCity” and “companyCEO” are 1:1 mapped. Observe value of field name “supportedSalaryBanks“. It is kind of an array of strings which does not need a user defined class to represent specially. Similarly field name “pincodesOfCityOffice” has value as an array of integers. We can define above discussed field as below :-
private String companyName; private String companyHOCity; private String companyCEO; private ListsupportedSalaryBanks; private List pincodesOfCityOffice;
Now focus on field “employee” which has value as an array of employees. We do not have any ready made data type to represent element of this array as a whole. So here we need to create a POJO class which can contain all details of an employee. Create a simple POJO class to represent below data:-
{ "firstName": "Amod", "lastName": "Mahajan", "gender": "Male", "age": 28, "salary": 10000.56, "married": false }
To represent an array of employees :-
Similar concept for field name “contractors”.
Field name “companyPFDeails” contains value as JSON object which is not present in Java. So we need to create a class for it like Employee above.
CompanyPFDeails companyPFDeails;
Once all building blocks are ready you need to create a final POJO class where all blocks will be kept together to represent whole payload.
Employee POJO Class
package RestfulBookerPojo; public class Employee { // private variables or data members of pojo class private String firstName; private String lastName; private String gender; private int age; private double salary; private boolean married; // Getter and setter methods public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } public String getGender() { return gender; } public void setGender(String gender) { this.gender = gender; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public double getSalary() { return salary; } public void setSalary(double salary) { this.salary = salary; } public boolean getMarried() { return married; } public void setMarried(boolean married) { this.married = married; } }
Contractors POJO Class
package RestfulBookerPojo; public class Contractors { private String firstName; private String lastName; private String contractFrom; private String contractTo; public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } public String getContractFrom() { return contractFrom; } public void setContractFrom(String contractFrom) { this.contractFrom = contractFrom; } public String getContractTo() { return contractTo; } public void setContractTo(String contractTo) { this.contractTo = contractTo; } }
CompanyPFDeails POJO Class
package RestfulBookerPojo; public class CompanyPFDeails { private String pfName; private String pfCity; private int pfYear; private int noOfEmployees; public String getPfName() { return pfName; } public void setPfName(String pfName) { this.pfName = pfName; } public String getPfCity() { return pfCity; } public void setPfCity(String pfCity) { this.pfCity = pfCity; } public int getPfYear() { return pfYear; } public void setPfYear(int pfYear) { this.pfYear = pfYear; } public int getNoOfEmployees() { return noOfEmployees; } public void setNoOfEmployees(int noOfEmployees) { this.noOfEmployees = noOfEmployees; } }
Final POJO class with all building blocks
package RestfulBookerPojo; import java.util.List; public class NestedPOJO { private String companyName; private String companyHOCity; private String companyCEO; private ListsupportedSalaryBanks; private List pincodesOfCityOffice; List employee; List contractors; CompanyPFDeails companyPFDeails; public String getCompanyName() { return companyName; } public void setCompanyName(String companyName) { this.companyName = companyName; } public String getCompanyHOCity() { return companyHOCity; } public void setCompanyHOCity(String companyHOCity) { this.companyHOCity = companyHOCity; } public String getCompanyCEO() { return companyCEO; } public void setCompanyCEO(String companyCEO) { this.companyCEO = companyCEO; } public List getSupportedSalaryBanks() { return supportedSalaryBanks; } public void setSupportedSalaryBanks(List supportedSalaryBanks) { this.supportedSalaryBanks = supportedSalaryBanks; } public List getPincodesOfCityOffice() { return pincodesOfCityOffice; } public void setPincodesOfCityOffice(List pincodesOfCityOffice) { this.pincodesOfCityOffice = pincodesOfCityOffice; } public List getEmployee() { return employee; } public void setEmployee(List employee) { this.employee = employee; } public List getContractors() { return contractors; } public void setContractors(List contractors) { = contractors; } public CompanyPFDeails getCompanyPFDeails() { return companyPFDeails; } public void setCompanyPFDeails(CompanyPFDeails companyPFDeails) { this.companyPFDeails = companyPFDeails; } }
Let’s create a JSON Payload using above POJO classes.
package RestfulBookerPojo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; public class CreateNestedJSONFromPOJOClasses { public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonProcessingException { NestedPOJO nestedPOJO = new NestedPOJO(); nestedPOJO.setCompanyName("MSE"); nestedPOJO.setCompanyHOCity("Benagluru"); nestedPOJO.setCompanyCEO("Amod"); ListsupportedSalaryBanks = new ArrayList (); supportedSalaryBanks.add("HDFC"); supportedSalaryBanks.add("ICICI"); supportedSalaryBanks.add("AXIS"); nestedPOJO.setSupportedSalaryBanks(supportedSalaryBanks); List pincodesOfCityOffice = new ArrayList (); pincodesOfCityOffice.add(560037); pincodesOfCityOffice.add(360034); pincodesOfCityOffice.add(456343); nestedPOJO.setPincodesOfCityOffice(pincodesOfCityOffice); // Create first employee Employee amod = new Employee(); amod.setFirstName("Amod"); amod.setLastName("Mahajan"); amod.setAge(28); amod.setGender("Male"); amod.setSalary(10000.56); amod.setMarried(false); // Create second employee Employee animesh = new Employee(); animesh.setFirstName("Animesh"); animesh.setLastName("Prashant"); animesh.setAge(30); animesh.setGender("Male"); animesh.setSalary(20000.56); animesh.setMarried(true); // Create third employee Employee kitty = new Employee(); kitty.setFirstName("Kitty"); kitty.setLastName("Gupta"); kitty.setAge(26); kitty.setGender("Female"); kitty.setSalary(30000.56); kitty.setMarried(false); // Creating a List of Employees List allEMployees = new ArrayList (); allEMployees.add(amod); allEMployees.add(animesh); allEMployees.add(kitty); nestedPOJO.setEmployee(allEMployees); Contractors seema = new Contractors(); seema.setFirstName("Seema"); seema.setLastName("Singh"); seema.setContractFrom("Jan-2019"); seema.setContractTo("JAN-2025"); Contractors hari = new Contractors(); hari.setFirstName("Hari"); hari.setLastName("Prasad"); hari.setContractFrom("Jan-2017"); hari.setContractTo("JAN-2030"); List allContractors = new ArrayList (); allContractors.add(seema); allContractors.add(hari); nestedPOJO.setContractors(allContractors); CompanyPFDeails companyPFDeails = new CompanyPFDeails(); companyPFDeails.setPfName("XYZ"); companyPFDeails.setPfCity("Benagluru"); companyPFDeails.setPfYear(2012); companyPFDeails.setNoOfEmployees(10); nestedPOJO.setCompanyPFDeails(companyPFDeails); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); String nestedJsonPayload = objectMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(nestedPOJO); System.out.println(nestedJsonPayload); } }
{ "companyName" : "MSE", "companyHOCity" : "Benagluru", "companyCEO" : "Amod", "supportedSalaryBanks" : [ "HDFC", "ICICI", "AXIS" ], "pincodesOfCityOffice" : [ 560037, 360034, 456343 ], "employee" : [ { "firstName" : "Amod", "lastName" : "Mahajan", "gender" : "Male", "age" : 28, "salary" : 10000.56, "married" : false }, { "firstName" : "Animesh", "lastName" : "Prashant", "gender" : "Male", "age" : 30, "salary" : 20000.56, "married" : true }, { "firstName" : "Kitty", "lastName" : "Gupta", "gender" : "Female", "age" : 26, "salary" : 30000.56, "married" : false } ], "contractors" : [ { "firstName" : "Seema", "lastName" : "Singh", "contractFrom" : "Jan-2019", "contractTo" : "JAN-2025" }, { "firstName" : "Hari", "lastName" : "Prasad", "contractFrom" : "Jan-2017", "contractTo" : "JAN-2030" } ], "companyPFDeails" : { "pfName" : "XYZ", "pfCity" : "Benagluru", "pfYear" : 2012, "noOfEmployees" : 10 } }
Note – I have used Jackson Java library to convert a Java object to String. Make sure you have latest dependency added. For this example I have used below maven dependency : –
com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-databind 2.11.0
You can download/clone above sample project from here.
If you have any doubt, feel free to comment below.
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same paylod coming from frontend then how to save it using DTO and entity class
For getting this complex type of information , can you please put a post for that as well, would be interesting to see
Hi Amod, Thank you for providing the detail information about Pojo class.I have a doubt about preparing input data for this payload, for example if i want to execute the same test case with different input data then how I can provide the input data from excel sheet , is there any format we need to follow because here we need to provide a lot of data in the array format. if you give this information in detail it will be really helpful for us
Thank you again