Storing Web Table With Pagination Data Into List Of Map – Java

A Web Table with pagination is very common in an application. In this post we will learn how to store all rows and columns of a Web Table with pagination in a List of Map using Java.

Already we have learnt :-

Storing Web Table Data Into List Of Map – Java

Storing Web Table Data Into A List Of Maps Using Java Stream APIs


A table is made of rows and columns. When we create a table for a web page, that is called as a web table. In HTML, a web table is created using <table> tag. Web table is a HTML structure for creating rows and columns on a Web page.

A web table can consists below parts:

  1. Header(s): It is created using <th> tag.
  2. Row(s):It is created using <tr> tag.
  3. Columns(s):It is created using <td> tag.

A typical web table’s first row is marked as header and from second row onward, it stores values. Table headers can be grouped using <thead> and remaining row can be grouped as <tbody>. Last row can also be grouped as <tfoot>. An example is shown below:-

Example Web Table

Item Price
Rice 100
Veg 200
Sum 300

If you save above html code as <someName>.html and open a web browser, you will see output as below:-

Web Table with pagination

Pagination of paging in a Web Table divides records in number of pages. For example if you need to show 100 records, you can show 10 records in one page and user can navigate to next set of records using pagination.

Below is an example of WebTable with pagination :-



Name Position Office Age Start date Salary
Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh 61 2011/04/25 $320,800
Garrett Winters Accountant Tokyo 63 2011/07/25 $170,750
Ashton Cox Junior Technical Author San Francisco 66 2009/01/12 $86,000
Cedric Kelly Senior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 22 2012/03/29 $433,060
Airi Satou Accountant Tokyo 33 2008/11/28 $162,700
Brielle Williamson Integration Specialist New York 61 2012/12/02 $372,000
Herrod Chandler Sales Assistant San Francisco 59 2012/08/06 $137,500
Rhona Davidson Integration Specialist Tokyo 55 2010/10/14 $327,900
Colleen Hurst Javascript Developer San Francisco 39 2009/09/15 $205,500
Sonya Frost Software Engineer Edinburgh 23 2008/12/13 $103,600
Jena Gaines Office Manager London 30 2008/12/19 $90,560
Quinn Flynn Support Lead Edinburgh 22 2013/03/03 $342,000
Charde Marshall Regional Director San Francisco 36 2008/10/16 $470,600
Haley Kennedy Senior Marketing Designer London 43 2012/12/18 $313,500
Tatyana Fitzpatrick Regional Director London 19 2010/03/17 $385,750
Michael Silva Marketing Designer London 66 2012/11/27 $198,500
Paul Byrd Chief Financial Officer (CFO) New York 64 2010/06/09 $725,000
Gloria Little Systems Administrator New York 59 2009/04/10 $237,500
Bradley Greer Software Engineer London 41 2012/10/13 $132,000
Dai Rios Personnel Lead Edinburgh 35 2012/09/26 $217,500
Jenette Caldwell Development Lead New York 30 2011/09/03 $345,000
Yuri Berry Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) New York 40 2009/06/25 $675,000
Caesar Vance Pre-Sales Support New York 21 2011/12/12 $106,450
Doris Wilder Sales Assistant Sidney 23 2010/09/20 $85,600
Angelica Ramos Chief Executive Officer (CEO) London 47 2009/10/09 $1,200,000
Gavin Joyce Developer Edinburgh 42 2010/12/22 $92,575
Jennifer Chang Regional Director Singapore 28 2010/11/14 $357,650
Brenden Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco 28 2011/06/07 $206,850
Fiona Green Chief Operating Officer (COO) San Francisco 48 2010/03/11 $850,000
Shou Itou Regional Marketing Tokyo 20 2011/08/14 $163,000
Michelle House Integration Specialist Sidney 37 2011/06/02 $95,400
Suki Burks Developer London 53 2009/10/22 $114,500
Prescott Bartlett Technical Author London 27 2011/05/07 $145,000
Gavin Cortez Team Leader San Francisco 22 2008/10/26 $235,500
Martena Mccray Post-Sales support Edinburgh 46 2011/03/09 $324,050
Unity Butler Marketing Designer San Francisco 47 2009/12/09 $85,675
Howard Hatfield Office Manager San Francisco 51 2008/12/16 $164,500
Hope Fuentes Secretary San Francisco 41 2010/02/12 $109,850
Vivian Harrell Financial Controller San Francisco 62 2009/02/14 $452,500
Timothy Mooney Office Manager London 37 2008/12/11 $136,200
Jackson Bradshaw Director New York 65 2008/09/26 $645,750
Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore 64 2011/02/03 $234,500
Bruno Nash Software Engineer London 38 2011/05/03 $163,500
Sakura Yamamoto Support Engineer Tokyo 37 2009/08/19 $139,575
Thor Walton Developer New York 61 2013/08/11 $98,540
Finn Camacho Support Engineer San Francisco 47 2009/07/07 $87,500
Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore 64 2012/04/09 $138,575
Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York 63 2010/01/04 $125,250
Zorita Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco 56 2012/06/01 $115,000
Jennifer Acosta Junior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 43 2013/02/01 $75,650
Cara Stevens Sales Assistant New York 46 2011/12/06 $145,600
Hermione Butler Regional Director London 47 2011/03/21 $356,250
Lael Greer Systems Administrator London 21 2009/02/27 $103,500
Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco 30 2010/07/14 $86,500
Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh 51 2008/11/13 $183,000
Michael Bruce Javascript Developer Singapore 29 2011/06/27 $183,000
Donna Snider Customer Support New York 27 2011/01/25 $112,000

Above Web Table will look like as below :-

We table with pagination

So we need to go through all pages of web table and fetch data. Pagination implementation may be different in each table. For example :- In above table, you see a “Next” button which takes you next page of web table. It gets disable when there is no further page i.e if you are at page No 6, Next button will be disabled. We can use this condition to decide for number of iteration in code.

There can be another way where you can find the total pagination count and then iterate from Page 1 to N where N is total pages count.

How to wait till a page is loaded in web table

This is very important in reading rows and columns of a particular page. When you click on Next or any page number directly, it takes some time to load, If we do not wait till data for particular row is displayed, we may end up with either reading data of previous page in stead of next page or StaleElementReferenceException (Depends how you are using locator).

So for above table, when you are on a page say 1, you will see class name consists “current” as shown below:-

Web table with pagination

We need to wait till “current” is added to class name of desired page. Another way is to wait till we get updated entries text. If we are on page 1, we see “Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries” and when we are on page 2, we see “Showing 11 to 20 of 57 entries”.

Step by step logic

  1. Get the table headers and store in a List as we need to maintain insertion order.
  2. We will store each row in to a LinkedHashMap and all LinkedHashMap in to a List.
  3. Get first row of a page. Get all cells of first row and store cell data in to a Map where header name is key and cell is value. We need to iterate header list of Step 1 simultaneously.
  4. Repeat the same process for all rows of first page.
  5. Now we need to go to next page. We will get the current page first then click on Next button and wait till the next page gets “current” in its class attribute. The same we need to do in loop till we get last page.

Complete Java Code

package WebTablesExamples;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager;

public class ReadTableDataWithPaginationInListOfMap {

	public void readTableDataInListOfMap() throws InterruptedException {
		// Browser initialization
		WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
		String fileURL = System.getProperty("user.dir");
		driver.get(fileURL + "/src/test/resources/htmlFiles/WebTablePagination.html");

		// Let's get header first
		String headerLoc = "//table[@id='dtBasicExample']//tr//th";
		List allHeadersEle = driver.findElements(By.xpath(headerLoc));
		List allHeaderNames = new ArrayList();
		for (WebElement header : allHeadersEle) {
			String headerName = header.getText();

		// Each row will be a key value pair. So we will use LinkedHashMap so that order
		// can be retained.
		// All map will be added to a list.
		List> allTableData = new ArrayList>();
		boolean flag = true;

		while (flag) {
			// Get total rows count
			String rowLoc = "//table[@id='dtBasicExample']//tbody/tr";
			List allRowsEle = driver.findElements(By.xpath(rowLoc));
			for (int i = 1; i <= allRowsEle.size(); i++) {
				// Getting specific row with each iteration
				String specificRowLoc = "//table[@id='dtBasicExample']//tbody/tr[" + i + "]";
				// Locating only cells of specific row.
				List allColumnsEle = driver.findElement(By.xpath(specificRowLoc))
				// Creating a map to store key-value pair data. It will be created for each
				// iteration of row
				LinkedHashMap eachRowData = new LinkedHashMap<>();
				// Iterating each cell
				for (int j = 0; j < allColumnsEle.size(); j++) {
					// Getting cell value
					String cellValue = allColumnsEle.get(j).getText();
					// We will put in to map with header name and value with iteration
					// Get jth index value from allHeaderNames and jth cell value of row
					eachRowData.put(allHeaderNames.get(j), cellValue);
				// After iterating row completely, add in to list.

			if ((driver.findElement("dtBasicExample_next")).getAttribute("class").contains("disabled"))) {
				flag = false;
			} else {
				// Before clicking Checking current page
				int currentPage = Integer.parseInt(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[@class='paginate_button current']")).getText().trim());
				System.out.println("We are at page "+currentPage+" now.");
				// Now we know for which page I need to wait
				String customLoc = "//a[contains(@class,'paginate_button') and text()='"+(currentPage+1)+"']";
				// Waiting till class attribute contains current
				new WebDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(10)).until(ExpectedConditions.attributeContains(By.xpath(customLoc), "class", "current"));





We are at page 1 now.
We are at page 2 now.
We are at page 3 now.
We are at page 4 now.
We are at page 5 now.
[{Name=Airi Satou, Position=Accountant, Office=Tokyo, Age=33, Start date=2008/11/28, Salary=$162,700}, 
{Name=Angelica Ramos, Position=Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Office=London, Age=47, Start date=2009/10/09, Salary=$1,200,000}, 
{Name=Ashton Cox, Position=Junior Technical Author, Office=San Francisco, Age=66, Start date=2009/01/12, Salary=$86,000}, 
{Name=Bradley Greer, Position=Software Engineer, Office=London, Age=41, Start date=2012/10/13, Salary=$132,000}, 
{Name=Brenden Wagner, Position=Software Engineer, Office=San Francisco, Age=28, Start date=2011/06/07, Salary=$206,850}, 
{Name=Brielle Williamson, Position=Integration Specialist, Office=New York, Age=61, Start date=2012/12/02, Salary=$372,000}, 
{Name=Bruno Nash, Position=Software Engineer, Office=London, Age=38, Start date=2011/05/03, Salary=$163,500}, 
{Name=Caesar Vance, Position=Pre-Sales Support, Office=New York, Age=21, Start date=2011/12/12, Salary=$106,450}, 
{Name=Cara Stevens, Position=Sales Assistant, Office=New York, Age=46, Start date=2011/12/06, Salary=$145,600}, 
{Name=Cedric Kelly, Position=Senior Javascript Developer, Office=Edinburgh, Age=22, Start date=2012/03/29, Salary=$433,060}, 
{Name=Charde Marshall, Position=Regional Director, Office=San Francisco, Age=36, Start date=2008/10/16, Salary=$470,600}, 
{Name=Colleen Hurst, Position=Javascript Developer, Office=San Francisco, Age=39, Start date=2009/09/15, Salary=$205,500}, 
{Name=Dai Rios, Position=Personnel Lead, Office=Edinburgh, Age=35, Start date=2012/09/26, Salary=$217,500}, 
{Name=Donna Snider, Position=Customer Support, Office=New York, Age=27, Start date=2011/01/25, Salary=$112,000}, 
{Name=Doris Wilder, Position=Sales Assistant, Office=Sidney, Age=23, Start date=2010/09/20, Salary=$85,600}, 
{Name=Finn Camacho, Position=Support Engineer, Office=San Francisco, Age=47, Start date=2009/07/07, Salary=$87,500}, 
{Name=Fiona Green, Position=Chief Operating Officer (COO), Office=San Francisco, Age=48, Start date=2010/03/11, Salary=$850,000}, 
{Name=Garrett Winters, Position=Accountant, Office=Tokyo, Age=63, Start date=2011/07/25, Salary=$170,750}, 
{Name=Gavin Cortez, Position=Team Leader, Office=San Francisco, Age=22, Start date=2008/10/26, Salary=$235,500}, 
{Name=Gavin Joyce, Position=Developer, Office=Edinburgh, Age=42, Start date=2010/12/22, Salary=$92,575}, 
{Name=Gloria Little, Position=Systems Administrator, Office=New York, Age=59, Start date=2009/04/10, Salary=$237,500}, 
{Name=Haley Kennedy, Position=Senior Marketing Designer, Office=London, Age=43, Start date=2012/12/18, Salary=$313,500}, 
{Name=Hermione Butler, Position=Regional Director, Office=London, Age=47, Start date=2011/03/21, Salary=$356,250}, 
{Name=Herrod Chandler, Position=Sales Assistant, Office=San Francisco, Age=59, Start date=2012/08/06, Salary=$137,500}, 
{Name=Hope Fuentes, Position=Secretary, Office=San Francisco, Age=41, Start date=2010/02/12, Salary=$109,850}, 
{Name=Howard Hatfield, Position=Office Manager, Office=San Francisco, Age=51, Start date=2008/12/16, Salary=$164,500}, 
{Name=Jackson Bradshaw, Position=Director, Office=New York, Age=65, Start date=2008/09/26, Salary=$645,750}, 
{Name=Jena Gaines, Position=Office Manager, Office=London, Age=30, Start date=2008/12/19, Salary=$90,560}, 
{Name=Jenette Caldwell, Position=Development Lead, Office=New York, Age=30, Start date=2011/09/03, Salary=$345,000}, 
{Name=Jennifer Acosta, Position=Junior Javascript Developer, Office=Edinburgh, Age=43, Start date=2013/02/01, Salary=$75,650}, 
{Name=Jennifer Chang, Position=Regional Director, Office=Singapore, Age=28, Start date=2010/11/14, Salary=$357,650}, 
{Name=Jonas Alexander, Position=Developer, Office=San Francisco, Age=30, Start date=2010/07/14, Salary=$86,500}, 
{Name=Lael Greer, Position=Systems Administrator, Office=London, Age=21, Start date=2009/02/27, Salary=$103,500}, 
{Name=Martena Mccray, Position=Post-Sales support, Office=Edinburgh, Age=46, Start date=2011/03/09, Salary=$324,050}, 
{Name=Michael Bruce, Position=Javascript Developer, Office=Singapore, Age=29, Start date=2011/06/27, Salary=$183,000}, 
{Name=Michael Silva, Position=Marketing Designer, Office=London, Age=66, Start date=2012/11/27, Salary=$198,500}, 
{Name=Michelle House, Position=Integration Specialist, Office=Sidney, Age=37, Start date=2011/06/02, Salary=$95,400}, 
{Name=Olivia Liang, Position=Support Engineer, Office=Singapore, Age=64, Start date=2011/02/03, Salary=$234,500}, 
{Name=Paul Byrd, Position=Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Office=New York, Age=64, Start date=2010/06/09, Salary=$725,000}, 
{Name=Prescott Bartlett, Position=Technical Author, Office=London, Age=27, Start date=2011/05/07, Salary=$145,000}, 
{Name=Quinn Flynn, Position=Support Lead, Office=Edinburgh, Age=22, Start date=2013/03/03, Salary=$342,000}, 
{Name=Rhona Davidson, Position=Integration Specialist, Office=Tokyo, Age=55, Start date=2010/10/14, Salary=$327,900}, 
{Name=Sakura Yamamoto, Position=Support Engineer, Office=Tokyo, Age=37, Start date=2009/08/19, Salary=$139,575}, 
{Name=Serge Baldwin, Position=Data Coordinator, Office=Singapore, Age=64, Start date=2012/04/09, Salary=$138,575}, 
{Name=Shad Decker, Position=Regional Director, Office=Edinburgh, Age=51, Start date=2008/11/13, Salary=$183,000}, 
{Name=Shou Itou, Position=Regional Marketing, Office=Tokyo, Age=20, Start date=2011/08/14, Salary=$163,000}, 
{Name=Sonya Frost, Position=Software Engineer, Office=Edinburgh, Age=23, Start date=2008/12/13, Salary=$103,600}, 
{Name=Suki Burks, Position=Developer, Office=London, Age=53, Start date=2009/10/22, Salary=$114,500}, 
{Name=Tatyana Fitzpatrick, Position=Regional Director, Office=London, Age=19, Start date=2010/03/17, Salary=$385,750}, 
{Name=Thor Walton, Position=Developer, Office=New York, Age=61, Start date=2013/08/11, Salary=$98,540}, 
{Name=Tiger Nixon, Position=System Architect, Office=Edinburgh, Age=61, Start date=2011/04/25, Salary=$320,800}, 
{Name=Timothy Mooney, Position=Office Manager, Office=London, Age=37, Start date=2008/12/11, Salary=$136,200}, 
{Name=Unity Butler, Position=Marketing Designer, Office=San Francisco, Age=47, Start date=2009/12/09, Salary=$85,675}, 
{Name=Vivian Harrell, Position=Financial Controller, Office=San Francisco, Age=62, Start date=2009/02/14, Salary=$452,500}, 
{Name=Yuri Berry, Position=Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Office=New York, Age=40, Start date=2009/06/25, Salary=$675,000}, 
{Name=Zenaida Frank, Position=Software Engineer, Office=New York, Age=63, Start date=2010/01/04, Salary=$125,250}, 
{Name=Zorita Serrano, Position=Software Engineer, Office=San Francisco, Age=56, Start date=2012/06/01, Salary=$115,000}]

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